At Pure Motion Therapies, we aid in restoring pain free functional lifestyles through balanced and holistic care.
At Pure Motion Therapies, we aid in restoring pain free functional lifestyles through balanced and holistic care.
Pure Motion Therapies is a professional, sustainable, fully booked practice that serves the longevity of its clients and practitioners.
We provide an inviting, positive, healing environment enabling us to connect personally and professionally to be our client’s first choice for best practice in Myotherapy.
Myotherapy is the evidence-based assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions.
Myotherapy draws on evidence-based research and principles that address the anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and pathology of the human body. Myotherapy includes a range of manual therapies to ease and restore normal motor function. Please see the list of services for a detailed description of what might be involved in your Myotherapy appointment.
Myotherapy is an effective treatment option for a wide range of postural and functional soft tissue injuries. These may include Bursitis, Tendinopathy, sprains, Plantar fasciitis, headaches, sporting injuries, post-surgery rehab as well as general soreness and pain. Our therapists work to resolve discomfort and soreness quickly. We are also well connected to other allied health practitioners for referral if required to ensure your progress to recovery is complete.
A Myotherapy appointment will typically involve a pre-treatment postural and functional assessment to identify the areas of dysfunction, and a post treatment re-assessment to assess improvement to these affected areas.
It is important to note that during a session, depending on the methods used, tenderness may be felt in the areas being treated. Client feedback is encouraged to pinpoint problematic areas and to regulate pressure.
If you are new to massage, it is not uncommon to be tender the day after treatment as your muscles recover. This usually passes within 24 hours. Drinking plenty of water after treatment helps flush out toxins that are released from the affected muscles.